Training & Groups
Ms. Kadziolka has taught Psychology, Social Work and Business Management courses at Colleges across North East and West BC; and has facilitated many community, school, and work place training sessions including: Leadership, Team Building, Communication, Anger Management, Bullying, Motivation & Self- Care, Core Addictions, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy skills(DBT), and Critical Incidence Debriefing. Moreover, she has had the great pleasure of working with the highly trained therapy team at the Vancouver based Looking Glass Residence where she co-facilitated EFFT family supportive training and workshops (Vancouver).
*Group training size has range from 4 – 150 people.
Dialectical Behavioral Groups
Four modules of 6-8 weeks each. Educational, supportive, confidential, and fun! Learn easy to use tools that improve your communication skills, self esteem, and build happier relationships. You can change your relationships with others through identifying your values, beliefs, and needs.